Claire Kim

Core Values: Passion, Curiosity, Service, Education, and Ambition


Claire is a junior at Langley High School, loves to learn and teach, and is passionate about STEM - specifically engineering.  Claire loves to build and share her passion for STEM with other students through tutoring, teaching, and organizing events.  Claire hopes to engage and inspire other girls to be a part of this community in STEM.  Claire’s strengths include leadership, organization, public speaking, and communication.  Claire speaks English and Japanese, and some Korean.  Claire also plays the cello and varsity softball and leads the Science Olympiad team at her school.  In her free time, Claire enjoys reading books and listening to music.


Work with Claire


STEM Workshop for girls

I recently held a Girls in STEM Workshop for middle school-aged girls (grades 5 through 9).  The workshop included a nine-person speaker panel and an interactive engineering design activity designed to highlight the diversity in STEM and encourage the girls to begin or continue pursuing STEM.  The speakers’ occupations ranged from mechanical and aerospace engineers to graphic designers, patent attorneys and a judge, Army scientists, data visualization, and to AI/machine learning.  I learned how to plan, organize, and execute an event, and how to recruit and train a team of volunteers.  I also learned how to best communicate with young girls in different age groups.

Mentorship Experience

1. I help coach softball for girls in different age groups: JV and travel teams (peers or high school age) and little league (grades 1-7).  Working with different age groups allows me to be familiar with teaching and working with them to improve their skills and abilities.  Sometimes, it takes trying multiple different ways of explaining a concept to find the best way for the player to understand it, but that is an important part of teaching and coaching.

2. I also tutor 10th graders in chemistry, and like softball, a major part of teaching them new concepts is about discovering their learning preferences and tailoring my teaching style to help meet their needs. 

            Q&A with Claire


What others experienced

" I loved the entire experience. I was stuck with my project for a LONG time and I'm glad my mentor helped me. Not only did she help me with my project but she helped me connect with other researchers and experts."


8th Grade